(Terrapin) The change of My female terrapin, Bigmam

She reached 400grams!
A month ago, her weight was nearly 300grams.
I believe she can get 100grams per month.
I can know that female diamondback terrapin grows faster 
than male diamondback terrapin.

There is one more thing that has changed is...
The color of her carapace.
When she was a hatchling, her carapace was dark green like the picture below.

Dark green color carapace. I took the picture in April 2019
 Time goes by, I can see her carapace has been changed to bright orange color.
So shiny it is. Later on, I might need sunglasses to see her.

June 2019

June 2019

She likes to get a UVB lamp and a heating lamp.
I really like that because getting bask is really good for the turtle's health.

She must be so happy with the lamps.
